Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Way to go!

There are Situations on which you just don't have control. You just have to deal with them and deal in the right way. There are no margins of error. Here I found myself in the same situation and I have been unable to figure out a solution. But there has to be a solution, there has to be a way and there is a way for sure. But it's better to wait than to rush and that perhaps is the best way to go.

After having a really good time, during which although things didn't went perfect in the start but both of Us, Me and Dearest dearest were able to sort out a few misunderstandings. But the day we were able to solve and the day I felt that things will get really perfect from now on, the same Unfortunate event occured. We both have perhaps no control over it and the best way is to wait as I earlier wrote. I understand her problems and If I keep myself at her place it would have been real tough for me. The days we talked I could feel it quiet easily that She was tense and I want to tell her that no matter what I AM there for you whenever you need me and I promise that I will help and guide you through the most difficult time of your life!

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