Post by Hameem, A friend from France :)
Onoccasion of a friend’s birthday, I proposed all my friends that we gather tohave a lunch and then go out tot see the city of love, Paris.
Onoccasion of a friend’s birthday, I proposed all my friends that we gather tohave a lunch and then go out tot see the city of love, Paris.
Icalled my four friends, who I was sure would want to participate. I textedPierre whose birthday it was. Mathilde, my class neighbor and whoknows Pierre till high school. David, his class neighbor wasthe third, and finally Sarah the smartest of our band.
“Heyguys! Are you free on this 21st? Let’s meet and wish a happy birthday toPierre!” After quarter -of-hundred of sms were agree for 24th February.No birthdays of little sisters, no driving lessons… OUF! It was funny tobe the organizer, I thought, later I regret.
Thenwe considered the issue of activity? We said we’ll lunch near about our highschool (Our post-high school classes more commonly called post-bac classes arealso integrated some time in high school campus). But what to do after lunch,we had no idea. I suggested we went to all Paris’ famous places and tookpictures in order to make an album. Ma~ said it would be fungoing in front of Pierre and Marie Curie University and take a picture of himwith the signboard. But finally He proposed the idea of cinema. The idea waspleasant. We’ll be at warm together, see a good film and talk about it after.
Inmy opinion, Holidays are synonymous of annoy and disturb your internalclock.
Youbecome an owl. You sleep all day and “work” all night. Work like surfing oninternet, facebook, 9gag, seeing Japanese dramas, and listening music, in otherwords things which have no direct or indirect relation with your studies. Poorparents! Who think that their children prefer the calm of nights for studying?I have this constant problem with mine. They trust me. And sometimes I wantthey wouldn’t. All this to say, I thought that we’re already 23rd Feb.and texted my friends if it was all ok “for tomorrow”. Ma~ replied: Wedidn’t set it on 24th? I had a look on my calendar… we were 22nd ahmince! Vive les vacances! The after exchange of sorry I redefined: 24th,at 13h (13 heures comme dissent les français).
Itwas all going well until Sarah called me. She just checked her messagesand wondered if it was possible to meet tomorrow instead of day after tomorrow? Whatagain ?!? I told her that it was already embarrassing mistakingdates. I won’t send other messages but if she took the responsibility to changethe date, the door was wide open. I had nothing to do tomorrow. Like all otherdays. I think she called all the tree friends. Bad luck Mathilde was busytomorrow. However, she said she’ll manage. And I believed. Nevertheless, I wasa bit furious about it, because she said it was ok for 24th, and nowshe was saying it wasn’t. Oh common girl! Why didn’t u just said at once thefirst day? What’s the problem with you? She replied she misunderstood me. Ihaven’t been clear enough… blablabla…
Shealso asked us to meet at 11h30 instead of 13h. That way, she could programother rendez-vous, I imagine. I texted David and Mathilde. Mathildewas ok, and David just didn’t answer. (Here’s another problem, how hecan’t be stuck with his mobile, because I am. I am addicted, level: ultimate).
TheD-day, 24th feb, David messaged et 8h30. I can come at 11h30! Iurgently called Ma~, who surely was angry et me for my early disturbance,but she said ok. I tried to join pr, but his mobile was off. So I let smsand fb messages that we were meeting at 11h30 at train station in front of ourschool. And I prayed that he saw his messages at time. And he did. Butunfortunately, meanwhile DaÆ sent another message: “We‘re going toski at 16h00. I‘ve a lot of things to do before, sorry finally, I can’t come”.What just I read? Why u didn’t realize that your departure was programmed to beat 24th? Why didn’t u answer me seriously? You thought I was joking?But I kept all this for me and said what I said to ça-rat: Never mind J .
Thiswords show that I forgive those who care about me and means indifference toother. That’s why I like this word that much. Mean while also, Ma~ calledme and said pr will never see it at time. So we must meet at 13h00. And Isent a message to pr on facebook. Just facebook. And he only checked hissms.
At12h30, when I was about to exit, I saw his message: “hey! I ‘m here from about20 min. message me when u come! J” 1143h it was.. That time Irealized how bad organizer I’ve been.
Anyhow,we had a nice day. We went to Mk2 cinema next to François Mitterrand Libraryand we saw “Dos au mur”. Happy birthday PIERRE!
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